Receipt List
Receipt List section is selected in order to get the list of Front Cash receipt entries. Initially, “Receipts Filter” is displayed on the screen. Required information is accessed by making limitations on the relevant fields in this filter.

Figure 10 Receipts Filter

Receipt type (Department Income Receipts, City Ledger Receipts, Change Receipts, Credit Collection Receipts, Account Transfer Receipts), for which the list is required, is selected among the list displayed by clicking on the select button in the Receipt Type field.
Department Revenue Receipt List is displayed when relevant filters are executed and OK button is clicked. When you are on the selected record in the Department Income Receipt List, the Receipt can be displayed by clicking on the Detail button.
If the Department Revenue Receipt is selected in the Receipt Type field during the filtering, the Blue typed receipts in the displayed list express the Front Cash Receipts, and the Black typed receipts express the Department Revenue Receipts.
In the Receipt Type field, if the Credit Collection Receipt is selected, the receipts will be in Blue colour; if the City Ledger Receipt is selected, they will be in lilac; and if the Change Receipt or Account Transfer Receipt is selected, the receipts will be in Black color.
In the filter operation, if the “Only Complimentary Receipts” option is selected by clicking on the select window, displayed receipts appear in Red colour in the Complimentary field.

Figure 11 Department Receipts

In order to select and change the receipt, Receipt Date and Operation Date must be the same.
After executing the required operations, they are saved with either pressing on the F5 key or clicking on the Insert button.

Account Invoice Control List
By means of the Account Invoice Control List, printed invoices and amounts on the account are displayed.

Figure 12 Account Invoice Control List

In the Account No field, number of the account that was operated is displayed.
In the Type field, it is possible to see the account types by means of the differentiation as Main Account and Extras Account.
Whether the account is open or closed is displayed on the Status field automatically.
Agent code concerning the account is displayed on the Agent Code field.
Guest name is displayed in the Guest Name field.
Credit concerning the account is displayed in the Credit Amount field.
Debit concerning the account is displayed in the Debit Amount field.
Invoice number is displayed in the Invoice field.
The amount of the credit -that was invoiced- of the account is displayed in the Amount field.
Account Output is displayed by clicking on the Detail button after doing the relevant filters in the Account Filter.
Blue coloured receipts on this screen express the Front Cash Receipts, while Black coloured ones express the Department Income Receipts and Red coloured ones express the complimentary free receipts.
Relevant receipt is displayed on the screen by double clicking on the receipt. Two options as Default Screen Values and Department Based Totals (Shift + F11) are displayed when right click is applied on the receipt.

Figure 13 Account Output

Department Totals section is displayed at the right side of the screen when Department Based Totals option is selected. Thus, department expenses can be displayed.

Figure 14 Account Output

In case that Earning Based Totals (Shift + F11) option is selected from the options displayed by right clicking on the receipt screen, Revenue Totals is displayed at the right side of the screen. Distribution of expenses according to revenues can be seen in the Revenue Totals section.

Figure 15 Account Output

If the Don’t Indicate Totals (Shift + F11) option is selected from the options displayed by right clicking on the receipt after opening the Revenue Totals window, the screen will return to its initial appearance. No total is displayed on the right side.

Figure 16 Account Output

Telephone Callings List
This is the list displaying the daily phone calls.

Figure 17 Telephone Filter

When we enter the telephone callings list, we can make certain limitations on the filter displayed initially. By means of this filter, we can have access to the phone calls between the required dates and make room number limitations, in addition to the filters by entering the telephone numbers dialed by the hotel personnel and numbers of the opposite side. For example, if 101 and 512 are written to the Room No fields, phone calls of all rooms between these two numbers are displayed as the result of the filtering.

Figure 18 Telephone Callings List

Date of the phone call is displayed on the Date field.
Time info of the phone call is displayed on the Time field.
If the phone call is made from a certain room, relevant number of the room is displayed on the Room No field.
Telephone number of the place or internal number of the room that made the calling, is displayed on the Telephone field.
Dialed/called telephone number is displayed on the Called Tel No field.
Total contour is displayed on the Contour field.
Name of the guest, who made the calling, is displayed on the Guest Name field.

Required information can be accessed via the Telephone Callings List or Room Based Callings List by right clicking on the list screen.

Figure 19 Telephone Callings List

Information in relation to the phone call credit is entered by double clicking on the required phone call record among the list.
N: (relevant account number) for Cash accounts; K: (relevant account number) for Credit accounts and Room No info for Room Account is entered into the Room No field.
By clicking on the OK button, phone call is transferred to the relevant room or account.
Coloured phone call records in the list express that the phone call has been transferred to the account or the room.

Figure 20 Telephone Callings List

Cash Status
Cash totals of either all departments or only the required ones are displayed for the required date. 

Figure 21 Cash Status

Date, when the cash total is required, is entered into the Date field. Date is displayed automatically at the opening.
After selecting the departments by marking in the Departments field, Cash Status on the basis of departments is displayed by clicking on the Calculate button.

Change Receipt
Receipt entries in relation to the foreign currencies that are changed by the guests accommodating in the hotel are made on this receipt screen.

Figure 22 Change Receipt

Document number in relation to the change operation is entered into the Document No field.
Date of the operation is entered into the Receipt Date field.
Correction box is marked in order to correct the excess amount entries concerning the receipts entered beforehand. ( - ) Balance entry is made in the name of the department that the correction receipt entry is required. When the main account summary is taken, it is displayed that ( - ) amount and the real amount are added to transfer.
Any explanation relevant to the operation can be entered into the Explanation field.
TL equivalent of the changed amount is entered into the Cash Amount field.
Foreign currency type that will be changed on the receipt is selected among the list by clicking on the select window in the Foreign C. Type / Rate. Exchange rate of the determined foreign currency on the operation date is transferred automatically.
If any commission will be taken in relation to the Change operation, a certain amount of Commission Rate from the SentezDelux Setup Program / Front Office Parameters section will be defined in the Commission field. This rate is displayed on the Change Receipt automatically. If the “Commission rate cannot be changed” option is selected in the parameters, displayed value as the commission rate cannot be changed. Otherwise, entered value is still displayed, but the program allows the entry of a different value.
Foreign currency amount that will be received in TL equivalent is entered into the Foreign C. Amount field.
If the F5 key is pressed or the Insert button is clicked, “Print Receipt?” question is displayed. If the “Yes” button is clicked, the report can be displayed on the screen, sent to the printer, imported to Word etc.

Daily Change Rates
This is the screen where change rates are processed and followed.

Figure 23 Change Rates

Change rates are processed on the relevant foreign currency row according to the defined date in the Date field.
Relevant date can be written into the “Date” field in order to display the change rate entries of the past days.
In order to save the processed change rates, either F5 key is pressed or Insert button is clicked.
Change rates that were processed into the foreign exchange list are displayed automatically on the Foreign C. Rate field during the receipt entry or exit operations executed with the relevant foreign currency.
Foreign currency rate information is saved by either pressing on the F5 key or clicking on the Insert Button.

Cash Transfers

Cash Transfers List
This is the screen on which take over transactions of the department cashes in the hotel can be followed on a daily basis.

Figure 24 Cash Transfers List

The department, whose turn over is to be displayed, is selected among the list by clicking on the select window in the “Department” field at the lower part of the screen.
Relevant information can be found in the fields of “Date”, “Shift”, “Department”, “Take Over Amount” and “Take Over TL” concerning the selected department.

Night Audit

Night Audit
This is the screen where take over operations of all operations executed during the day to the following day are processed.
Present date is automatically displayed on the Date field and night audit operation is executed according to this date.
Start (F1) button is clicked in order to start the night audit operation. If the “Start Night Audit?” question is answered as “Yes”, the operation starts.

Figure 25 Night Audit

By means of this operation, all room rates are processed into accounts automatically. Reports that were selected at the SentezDeLux Setup Program / Front Office Parameters section, are prepared automatically with the Night Audit operation.

Night Audit Values
This is the screen, where information formed as the results of the night audit operation.

Figure 26 Night Audit Values

Night audit info is displayed when Night Audit Values screen is first opened. In order to display the night audit info regarding the past days, Previous button; in order to display the night audit info regarding the next days, Next button; and in order to display the night audit info of the present day, Today button is clicked.
Number of the rooms for sale in the hotel is displayed on the Available Room field.
Number of the rooms ready for sale in the hotel is displayed on the Room Ready for Rent field. (The number in this field presents the number of the rooms except from the ones such as At Maintenance, OOO Trouble etc. that were entered into the Room Maintenance screen from the Cards section of the SentezDeLux program.)
Sold Room field presents the number of the rooms occupied by the guests accommodating in the hotel.
The first field in the Guest Count fields is for adults accommodating in the hotel, while the second is for children and the third for babies.
Complimentary field presents the number of the rooms that are complimentary in check - in type.
House Use field presents the number of the rooms that are house use in check - in type.
Single Usage field presents the number of the rooms being used as single.
Arrivals (Rooms / Person) field presents the following: the date when Night Audit Value was executed, total number of the rooms that the check - in operation was completed for, and total number of the guests, whose check - in was completed.
Departures (Rooms / Person) field presents the following: the date when Night Audit Value was executed, total number of the rooms that the check - out operation was completed, and total number of the guests, whose check - out was completed.
Walk - In (Rooms / Person) field presents the following: total number of the rooms that the check - in operation was completed for Walk - In guests, and total number of the guests, whose check - in was made.
Movements of Total Income, Cash Collection, Total Discount, City Ledger and Credit Collection in TL and foreign currency in relation to the day when Night Audit Values are made, are followed, corrections are made and saved in “TL Amount” and “F.C. Amount” fields, which are at the right side of the Naght Audit Values screen.
In order to make changes in this section, required changes are made at the relevant field and are saved by either pressing on the F5 key or clicking on the Insert button.

Room Takeover
This is the screen, where information about the room totals as a result of the night audit can be followed.

Figure 27 Room Totals

Room totals info is displayed when the Room Totals screen is first opened. In order to display the room totals info regarding the past days, Previous button; in order to display the room totals info regarding the next days, Next button; and in order to display the room totals info of the present day, Today button is clicked.
Check - In numbers, room numbers, main account numbers and balances, and extra account numbers and balances of all rooms in relation to the date, when the take over information is taken, are displayed on the Room Totals screen.

Invoice Operations
Stop on the relevant room in the Room Rack screen or Check - In List, and click on the Detail button. Display the Account Filter by selecting Main Account (F6) from the displayed list. Main Account Listing is displayed if OK button is clicked after filtering the required fields.
Invoice form is opened on the Main Account Listing screen when the Invoice button is clicked.

Figure 28 Invoice

Distribution of payments for the invoices that their expenses are already done and invoices are requested, is possible by marking the Departments according to different persons who have the same account.
Cash Payments or Credits is selected in the Methods of Payment field according to the customer’s request.
And in the Invoice Type field, required select can be made according to the defined Invoice Types (For example, Invoice Form, Detailed Invoice Form) for your hotel in the SentezDelux Setup Program / Form Definitions section by clicking on the select window.
If there are transactions that were not reflected to the invoice, they are displayed on the invoice screen after doing the necessary calculations by clicking on the Calculate button.
Operation screen, on which Address Info is, is displayed at the lower left corner of the Invoice screen by clicking on the Operation button. Required changes can be made and transferred to the invoice on this screen.

Figure 29 Invoice

And when the Print button is selected, one of the options including screen, printer etc. is selected and invoice output is taken.