You can print reports displaying the best selling products according to the tokens.

  The reports including the best selling products regarding the tokens can be generated on the basis of season.

  The reports including the best selling products annually can be printed with their quantities and amounts as above.

  For the products being sold, the reports according to the worst selling products can be prepared on season basis and with their quantities and amounts as above.

  The reports of the worst selling products annually can be prepared with their tokens according to their quantities and amounts as above.

  For the related period; reports of the returned products that display color/sizes, quantities, and amounts can be generated.

  A detailed and summary cash deposit reports within a given date range and according to the selected cash deposit type (Men's Department Cash Deposit, Women's Department Cash Deposit) could be prepared.


  Cumulative cash deposit operation reports for a given date could be generated.

  The account statements based on the desired date according to the payment types can be prepared as above.

  The tracking reports of the installments for the daily sales can be prepared as below.

  The printouts including the customer lists and the customer address information can be prepared as above.

  On customer basis; the reports including the shopping realized, products purchased, and their prices can be prepared as above.

  On customer basis; you can prepare reports that display the balance status information and credit and debit balances of the customer.

  You can prepare Current Account based Current Account statements. In the example above, statement of the 08PM0001 numbered current account is generated.