Salesclerk Sales
Salesclerk Sales Analysis (Department Based) Inventory Sales
Department Based Sales Analysis
General Sales
Sales Control Report Daily Sales Abstract Sales Based Payment Dispersion Report
Sales Based Order Report Inventory
Monthly Best Selling Products Monthly Season Based Best Selling Tokens
Token Based Best Selling Groups Token Based Best Selling Products Season Based Best Selling Tokens Year Based Best Selling Products
Season Based Worst Selling Tokens Year Based Worst Selling Tokens and Products Return Follow up
 Cash Deposit Report
Cumulative Cash Deposit Operation Report Cash Deposit Operation Control Report Payment Types
Payment Type
Daily Installment Track Report Customer List Customer
Address List
Customer Shopping List
Current Account Balance List Current Account Statement


  Based on the salesclerk; reports that display cash sales or customer orders separately and include salesclerk quota quantities, sales and bonus amounts could be generated.

  Plasiyer Reyon bazında ; Based on the Salesclerk Department; reports displaying the sales realized could be generated.

  For the related period; reports that display the product quantities and sales amounts could be generated.

  Reports that display the product quantities and sales amounts based on the department could be generated.

  You can generate a General sales report according to the Customer orders and Cash sales operations. If preferred, the report can be prepared only according to the Customer orders. Or, only Cash sales based reports can be generated. Also, a general sales report based on both operations can be generated.

  Reports displaying the Product Name. Payment Type, sales amounts and listing the payment dispersions based on the sales can be generated as above.

  You can generate reports displaying the inventory inflow-outflow quantities and amounts.

Also, statistics report can be generated by applying restrictions according to the special fields (Year, Season, etc.) that are defined on the inventory card.

  The reports displaying the most used products on month basis can be generated as above.

  The reports displaying the seasonally best selling products can be generated as above.