Inventory Reports
Product List Unit Cost List Manufacturing Receipts List Manufacturing Requirement Planning Table
Inventory Cards List Price List Inventory Card Parameter List Inventory Requirement
Below Critical Stock Limits Inventory Status List Inventory Value List Inflow/Outflow List
Warehouse Cards List Warehouse Inventory Value Report Warehouse Inflow/Outflow List General Warehouse Report
Inventory Receipts List Inventory Card Statement Detailed Inventory Cost Statement Summary Inventory Cost Statement
Inventory Inflow/Outflow Report Inventory Report Detailed SalesReport

  You can print reports that include the unit based cost lists of the products.
The Grey fields on the tables signify the sub totals.


  You can prepare product based requirement lists together with the inventory information in detail as above.

  You can prepare inventory card lists according to the inventory in the shop.


  You can prepare reports including the inflow and outflow prices of the inventory according to the inventory based related price type (such as Retail, Wholesale Price) as above.