WORK ORDER [LOT] CARD                                                                         Main Menu

Lot generating operation of the customer operations is executed in this section.

Figure 1  Work Order [Lot] Card

Lot number determined by the enterprise is entered into the Lot No field. When the required selections in the work order filter table displayed on the screen by pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button and the OK button is pressed, Lot Number can be selected from the displayed manufacturing order list.

Figure 2  Manufacturing Order List

By pressing on the F12 key in the Lot No field, lot number with series can be obtained (in the firms that do not have automatic lot no application). After entering the series number that will be used in making the series, it will be sufficient to press on the F12 key to execute this operation. For Example; After entering SF into the Lot No field, press on the F12 key. If four lot numbers were defined in order concerning this series in the program beforehand, lot number will be issued as SF005. (It is assumed that Lot value is defined as 5 in the Barcode Structure at the Barcode tab of SentezDye Parametres.)

Date and hour of the day is displayed on the
field automatically. Opening date and hour of the lot is determined in this field.
Status of the lot when the lot is initially opened is displayed on the Status field. Pending parties refer to the parties that have transactions in the enterprise, while realised parties refer to the shipped ones. After the delivery operation, status becomes realised automatically
Work Order, whose status is realised, cannot be subject to any operations (changes, cancellation).

It is determined whether the lot is a repair lot or not in the Repair field. When the lot is opened first, No option is selected default. "Internal option is selected when the repair need is recognised before the fabric leaves the enterprise. "External option is selected when the fabric was returned by the customer because of its defeats after delivering the fabric. 
The code that ensures the follow-up of the customer that owns the lot in the program in the Customer field. The relevant current account is selected from the current accounts list by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button. If the relevant "Current account" is not in the list, a new "Current Account Card" can be defined by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button.
Lot number that was issued by the customer is entered into the Customer Lot No field.
Number and date of the customer order are entered into the Order No/Date field. In case that selection is made from the pending order screen concerning the customer, order no and date will automatically be transferred to the lot from the customer order information.
Date when the customer wants to deliver the fabric is entered into the Delivery field.
Planning date of the lot is entered into the Planning Date field. 
Delivery date and document number are automatically displayed on the Delivery Shipment/Date field when the delivery is realised.
Recipe No is the field, on which number of the presciption that will be used in the dyeing operation is entered. Colur work that was prepared at the enterprise recipe is selected by displaying the recipe Cards by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button. If the relevant receipt is not in the list, a new recipe can be defined by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button.

Figure 3  Recipe Cards List

When the recipe number is determined, colour code is automatically displayed on the Colour Code field. By means of authorisation on the basis of users, only the authorised users can see and make changes in this field.

If the Colour Code used in the recipe defined in the recipe no field and the colour code entered into the colour code field of the lot card are not the same, the program displays a warning message and does not allow to continue the operations.

The special price determined for the lot is entered into the Special Price field. This price will be reflected to shipping and invoice.
By means of authorisation on the basis of users, only the authorised users can see and make changes in this field.
The Route field is where the route code (work flow) for the lot is entered. The relevant operation is selected from the work flow cards list by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button.

Figure 4  Route Cards List

If the required operation sequence is not on the screen, a new work flow code can be defined by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button. 
The machine, on which the dyeing operation will be executed is entered into the Machine Code field. Machine codes defined in the Machine Cards can be selected by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button. The value that was determined in the Machine Cards field is automatically displayed in the Capacity field.

Figure 5  Machine List

If the required machine (boiler) is not in the list, a new Machine Card can be defined by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button.

Water amount on the basis of lot amount is entered into the Capacity field. In this field, the relevant flote rate can be selected from the Flote rates menu displayed by right clicking the mouse. The program will then make the calculation automatically.

There are two types of calculation style in the Calculation Style field. If the selection is made "On the Basis of the Machine Capacity", the calculation will be executed on the basis of the machine capacity. If the selection is made ""On the Basis of the Fabric Amount"" , the calculation will be executed on the basis of the total amount of fabric in the lot.

Dyeing raw materials that will be used in the dyeing operation is calculated according to the total amount of fabric independent from the selection in the calculation style.

Explanations that are required for the user are entered into the Explanation field.
The user name that was used in entering the program is automatically reflected onto the Lot Opened by field. If the selection in the Lot Opened by Information? in the Lot (Work Order) tab of the SentezDye Parametres is Manuel, lot opened by information can be changed by allowing change in this field. .
The appropriate manufacturing type is determined in the Lot Manufacturing Type field.

Fields such as weight ,width, variant, required colour etc. can be defined as special fields and carried onto the form. These special field definitions can be made by selecting the Work Order (Special) tab from the SentezDye parametres.

Lot Details Tab

is where the lot inventory (raw fabric) and inventory amounts are defined. 
Code of the fabric that will be subject to operations is entered into the Inventory Code field. The relevant inventory is selected by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button. If the required inventory is not in the list, a new inventory card is created from the inventory card screen by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button. Thus, the created field is included to this field.

In case that a selection is to be made on the pending orders screen concerning the customer, inventory code and amount are transferred from the order information to the lot automatically.

Inventory explanationon defined in the inventory card is displayed on the Inventory Explanation field.
Route is the field, where operations that will be applied to the fabric are defined. The relevant work flow card is selected by either pressing on the F9 key or clicking on the list button. If the required work sequence is not on the list, a new work flow code is defined by either pressing on the Shift+F9 key combination or clicking on the card button.

According to the selection in the Automatic field of Route (Work Flow) window of SentezDye Parametres, Route Card or Route operation window is displayed on the form. After making the definitions on the displayed window and returning to the lot card, code of the new route card will be reflected onto the route field of the lot details.

"Roll" amount of the fabric is entered into the Amount (Roll) field.
"Kg." amount of the fabric is entered into the Amount (Kg.) field.
"Shipping" amount of the fabric is displayed on the Shipping (Kg.) field automatically by the program.
"Remaining" amount of the fabric is displayed on the Remaining (Kg.) field automatically by the program.


When Lot Details Tab is displayed, Order and shipment buttons activate.
After displaying the Pending Orders List concerning the customer by clicking on the Order Button, the order is selected (By double clicking, the order can be turned into Red.) Transfer button is clicked. The order is transferred to the Lot Details section with this operation.
By clicking on the Shipment Button, Pending shipmentes List concerning the customer is displayed on the screen and the shipment is selected. Transfer button is clicked. The shipment is transferred to the Lot Details section with this operation, and at the same time, shipment allocation operation is automatically executed.

The user cannot intervene on the allocation screen at the inventory field. Only after executing the allocation operation on the relevant inventory, the usage amount of the relevant inventory is displayed on this screen.
Figure 6  Allocation Screen

Field Names In the Explanations Section of Explanations Tab
are parametric and they are defined in the Work Order (Special) section of SentezDye Parametres. Ten different explanation fields can be defined. Explanation of the inventories entered as rows can be written into these fields. The information that are entered are saved with the Save button.

The other costs/revenues determined for the lot are entered into the Explanation field of the
Costs and Revenues Tab . Either costs or revenues is selected by clicking on the selection button. Cost / Revenue is defined from the Lot Cost / Revenue definitions tab of the Sentez Dye parametres Foreign exchange currency of the cost / revenue is determined in the Foreign Exchange Currency field. Required foreign currency types can be entered from the Foreign Exchange Currency Rate field of the SentezDye parametres. If the foreign exchange currency rates were defined in the daily foreign exchange currency rates field of the cost module, it will automatically be displayed on the Rate field. It can also be entered manually. Foreign exchange currency amount of the relevant cost / revenue is entered into the Foreign Exchange Currency Amount field. Cost / Revenue amount is displayed automatically on the Cost / Revenue Amount field. These costs and revenues defined for the lot will be reflected to the Actual cost table.


If the whole receipt is to be cancelled, it is cancelled by either pressing on the F6 key or clicking on the cancel button on the title details field of the receipt (Date-hour, Customer, Customer Lot No. etc.).

STATEMENT OPERATIONS                                                               Main Menu

Account statement can be obtained on the basis of the relevant Current Account or the relevant Inventory. In order to execute this operation, you should come on the information for which the statement is necessary. Statement details concerning the account are displayed on the screen by either clicking on the Statement button or pressing on the Shift+F4 key combination. In the example; the account statement concerning the Inventory with the number HSEL301 is obtained.

Figure 7  Inventory Card Statement ,

WORK ORDER LOT NO CHANGE                                    Main Menu

When the lot number on the lot card is to be changed, lot no change field is selected by either pressing on the CTRL+F8 key combination or right clicking on the mouse. After executing this operation, "Change the lot number and relevant details?" warning is displayed. If the answer is "Yes", a form, on which a new lot number will be entered is displayed on the screen.

Figure 8  Lot No Change

When the Ok button is pressed, Lot Number 05002 will be changed as number 05003.

By pressing on the F12 key in the Lot No field, lot number with series can be obtained (in the firms that do not have automatic lot no application). After entering the series number that will be used in making the series, it will be sufficient to press on the F12 key to execute this operation. For Example; After entering KL into the Lot No field, press on the F12 key. If four lot numbers were defined in order concerning this series in the program beforehand, lot number will be issued as KL005. (It is assumed that Lot value is defined as 5 in the Barcode Structure at the Barcode tab of SentezDye Parametres.)

WORK ORDER COPY                                                   Main Menu

Lot Copy field is selected by either pressing on the Shift+F8 key combination or right-clicking on the mouse. For example, if it is necessary to copy the details of the lot number 05002 into the lot number 05003 that will be defined anew, it will be sufficient to enter the following information and press on the OK button.

By pressing on the F12 key in the Lot No field, lot number with series can be obtained (in the firms that do not have automatic lot no application). After entering the series number that will be used in making the series, it will be sufficient to press on the F12 key to execute this operation. For Example; After entering KL into the Lot No field, press on the F12 key. If four lot numbers were defined in order concerning this series in the program beforehand, lot number will be issued as KL005. (It is assumed that Lot value is defined as 5 in the Barcode Structure at the Barcode tab of SentezDye Parametres.)

Figure 9  Lot Copy Form

If the selection in the Copying style is determined as Copy As Internal repair, status of the new lot created after the copying operation will be INTERNAL and the shipment allocation amount will be transferred as zero (0).

LOT OPERATIONS [ROUTE DETAILS]                                 Main Menu

In order to see the Route operations of the displayed, Lot operations (Route Details) field is selected either by pressing on the CTRL+I keys or right clicking on the mouse. As a result of this operation, operations that will be applied according to the lot number on the form are displayed on the screen.

Figure 10 Operations That Will be Applied


This operation is executed to deduce (Consumption) the raw material amounts determined for the lot in the recipe from the warehouse. By this token, a Consumption Receipt is generated automatically in order to follow up the raw materials, of which consumed amounts are deduced from the warehouse.

Raw Material Consumption field is selected by right clicking on the mouse (or pressing on the Shift+F1 key combination) on the lot, for which raw material consumption will be executed. In the direction of this selection, the program issues a Consumption receipt number automatically. This number facilitates the follow up of the parties that are subject to consumption and ease the use of relevant reports. Consumption receipt number is displayed near the lot number on the table.)

Figure 11  Work Order Card .

Consumption amounts of the chemicals will be determined according to the calculation style, capacity and total amount of fabric.
The warehouse, from which the raw materials will be consumed, can be defined in the Raw Material Consumption Warehouse field at the recipe tab of the SentezDye Parametres.

??? When the ??? message is clicked on with the mouse, consumed raw materials and their amounts concerning the relevant lot can be seen on the displayed Lot Consumption Table

Figure 12  Lot Consumption Table


Raw material need and cost concerning the lot can be followed on the lot raw material table displayed by pressing on the CTRL+H key combination on the lot card. By pressing the CTRL+M key combination on this table, you can have access to the Cost Details Window and cost details can be determined.

Figure 13  Lot Raw Material Table


This operation allows the follow up of the customer raw fabric inventory on the basis of shipmentes. By ths token, it ensures the deduction of the amount to be used in the lot from the shipment.

Lot shipment/Allocation operations field is selected by right clicking on the mouse (or pressing on the F8 key) on the row of the inventory to be allocated. Lot Allocation Form concerning the relevant current account is displayed on the screen.

Figure 14  Lot Allocation Form

Ready-to-use shipmentes of the customer concerning the relevant lot is reflected on this form. shipmentes that will be allocated to the lot are selected by double clicking on the mouse. (The shipment turns into Red).After the selection, the allocation operation is executed by pressing on the Transfer button. If the fabric amount of the selected shipment is more than the lot amount, the amount sufficient for the lot is allocated automatically. As a consequence of the allocation, used and remaining fields on the shipment are automatically renewed. When the form is closed and lot screen is displayed again, this information can be followed up on the allocation details window at the bottom right corner of the Lot Card.

This operation should be repeated for all rows of the Lot. After completing the shipment allocation operations, the relevant allocation details are reflected on the allocation details window while browsing on the lot rows.


Figure 15 Lot Divide Operation

It is possible to divide the lot into sub-parties with the lot divide form displayed by pressing on the CTRL+D key combination on the Lot Card.

Source Lot No : Number of the lot to be divided is entered.
Target Lot No : Number of the sub-lot is entered.

By signing the button, it is possible to define the information of the main lot that will be divided. In the details section, the rows that will be divided and their division amounts are determined.

The amount that will be divided cannot be bigger than the lot amount.

By Pressing on the Lot Divide Operation button, division operation is executed.


You can analyse the series (roll) operations concerning the lot in this section.

Series (Roll) Card Generation
On the relevant lot row, you can have access to the Lot Series Generation form by pressing on the CTRL+S key combination. Information concerning the lot are transferred to this form automatically.

Series No / Quantity : Quantity of the Series (Roll) that will be produced is defined.
There are Fields in the Amount Details Field:
Manufacturing Amount : Manufacturing amount concerning the series (roll) is defined into this field.
Gross Amount : Gross amount concerning the series (roll) is defined into this field.

Net Amount : Net amount concerning the series (roll) is defined into this field.
Width : Width information concerning the series (roll) is defined into this field.
Weight : Weight information concerning the series (roll) is defined into this field.

Figure 16 Series (Roll) Card Manufacturing Form

Series (roll) card generation operation can be executed by pressing on the F5 key.

Values that are entered into the amount details field will be valid for all series to be produced. Optionally, you can define these values on the basis of Series (Roll).

Lot Series Form On the relevant lotrow, you can display the Lot Series Form by pressing on the CTRL+T key combination. All of the series concerning the lot row will be reflected on this form.

Figure 17 Lot Series (Roll) Information Form

By selecting the Amount Arrangement option, it is possible to execute the amount arrangements concerning the series (roll) on the displayed window.

In case that there is scale connection, gross amount concerning the series (Roll) are transferred from the scale automatically. Net amount is calculated by the program automatically according to the value determined in the Net-Gross difference field that is in the series control parametres.

Lot / Series Barcode Entry : Lot information concerning the barcode (Lot Barcode and Series Barcode) that is read is transferred to the lot number and lot row fields. By this token, all series concerning the lot row are transferred on the form.
Go to the Gross Amount Field : The program will automatically pass to the gross amount field after completing the selection of rows. Auto Save : In the enterprises that have scale connection, saving the operation will be executed automatically after receiving the information from the scale (in the manual applications, this happens after entering a value into the gross amount field and pressing on the ENTER button). Go to the Next Record After Saving : After executing the auto-save operation, the program will automatically pass to the next record. (In order this option to be active, Auto-Save option should be enabled).
Label Print After Auto-Save : After the completion of auto-save operation, product label output concerning the series (roll) will automatically be sent to the default printer defined in the computer. (In order this option to be active, Auto-Save option should be enabled).
Collective Barcode Label Print: Product label outputs concerning all of the series in the form can be obtained when the label button is pressed.
Sequence No Arrangement : It arranges the sequence number of the series concerning the lot row starting from 1.

In order to control the consistency of the lot row amount and the amounts of the series (roll) concerning the lot row, Lot - Series Amount Consistency Control option is selected from the menu displayed by right clicking the mouse. In case that there is inconsistency between the amounts, Lot / Series Amount Arrangement window is displayed on the screen.

Figure 18 Lot / Series Amount Arrangement

In order to create new Series (Roll) card concerning the lot, Series Manufacturing window can be displayed by pressing on the ??? button.

Figure 19 Series Manufacturing


In order to merge more than one parties that are to be dyed in the same boiler, Lot List is displayed by pressing on the F9 key on the lot card. Parties that will be merged are determined by selecting the Lot Selection option from the menu displayed by either pressing on the CTRL+S key combination or right clicking on the mouse. You can select all the parties in the Lot List with only one touch by either pressing on the CTRL+A key combination or selecting the Select All Parties option.
Parties that are to be merged should have the same recipe, flote etc. details.

It will be sufficient to press on the CTRL+F1 key combination to obtain the recipe output concerning the merged parties. Raw material consumption receipts can be created by pressing on the Shift+F8 key combination.


Outputs of four different types of lot card forms (with barcode, without barcode) can be obtained by pressing on the F10 key on the lot card. These forms can be designed at the Forms menu of the parametres section.
Fabric Follow-Up Card (with barcode, without barcode) Form output can be obtained by pressing on the CTRL+F2 key combination. Name of the form can be issued at the Form Title field of the form tab of SentezDye Parametres.

Figure 20 Work Order (Lot) Form

Recipe form (Receipt to get dye and chemicals) output concerning the lot can be obtained by pressing on the Shift+F10 key combination. Name of the form can be issued at the Form Title field of the form tab of SentezDye Parametres. Program codes and names can also be reflected on the form in the forms tab.

Figure 21 Receipt to Get Dye and Chemicals

Dye-Chemicals Weight form can be obtained by pressing on the Shift+F12 key combination. In case that Dye Weight After Receipt to Get Dye and Chemicals option is selected as Yes in the SentezDye parametres, this form can be obtained after the receipt to get dye and chemicals automatically.

Print recipe can be obtained by selecting the Print recipe field at the Form option of the menu displayed by right clicking the mouse on the lot card.

In order the print recipe to be defined, Print Operation Code at the General tab of SentezDye Parametres should be defined.

Figure 22 Print Recipe Form