SHIPMENT                                                                        Main Menu


This the section where shipment operations are handled. In this module, shipment planning can be done and you can enter your shipment notes in detail. shipment notes and packing list reports per activity could be generated. In the shipment history section, you could reach the history of shipment for a particular lot.


This the section where shipment planning is processed.

Figure 1 Shipment Planning List

When shipment Planning List is selected in the shipment Module, the limitation applied in the filter displayed on the screen helps displaying the shipment Planning List. With the use of the Select button or double-clicking on the rows in the list will select the lots to be planned for shipment. Selected rows will be Red With Select All button all lots on the list could be selected.
Reset button clears and cancels the selection made.
You could generate reports of shipment planning list (only the selected lots) by using the Report button. Using the warnings and options, you could include cumulative shipment planning dispersion based on customers to the report. Also Series (Roll) Dispersion (Packing list) could be included in the report as well if the company works with Series (Roll) Follow-up.


This is the section where shipment information is entered in the system.

Figure 2  Shipment

Receipt number on the shipment Note is automatically displayed in the Receipt No field.
Date/Document No field is where Document No and Shipment Date on the shipment Note are entered.

It is possible to filter shipmentes according to the document numbers given in the Document number field. According to the selection made in Document No Automatic field in shipment tab of SentezDye Parameters, it is possible for the application to sort out document numbers.
The Shipment Date field is where definitive Shipping date for the customer is entered.
Current Account Code is entered in the Current Account field. Current account is selected with the F9 key or clicking the list button. If the associated current account is not in the list, a new current account card is defined by pressing Shift+F9 or clicking the card button.

Figure 3  Current Account Card

If foreign currency will be used in operation it is defined in the Currency field.
Any necessary explanations related with the shipment Note are entered in the Explanation field.
Explanations related with the shipment truck coulb be entered in the Plate field. (trauck plate, truck number, etc) Thus, shipment report per truck could be generated.
The name of the recipient of the dispatched goods is entered in the Recipient field.
The lot number of the warehouse where shipment will be issued from is entered in the Warehouse Lot No field.

Warehouse Lot No Recipient and Plate are special fields and optional. Special field definition could be done from Inventory Control Parameters section of SentezDye Parameters module.

The associated inventory's code to follow-up in the application is entered in the Inventory Code field. The selection could be made via pressing the F9 key or using the list button. If the appropriate inventory is not in the list, a new inventory card could be created by pressing the Shift+F9 keys or clicking the new record button.

Figure 4  Inventory Cards List

The unit of the defined inventory is entered in the Unit field. In this part, there are 3 various Unit fields; (Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3). Inventory Follow-up is based on the record defined in the "Unit-1" field.

The second and third inventory units to process inventory activity are defined in Unit-2 and Unit-3 fields, according to unit multiplier and dividers.
There is no obligation that units should be defined in ascending or descending order.
While defining the unit for inventory in the Unit-1 field, the actual unit to be used in inventory follow-up, inventory statement, etc must be defined.

For Example, If an inventory which actually has activity in 3 different units as; Kg, meter, Gr, is primarily tracked in Kg , then Kg must be defined in Unit-1 field, and the rest must be defined in the other fields.

Values in Unit field are defined in Units section of SentezDye Installation Program General Program Parameters part.

In the Explanation field information to be tracked about the order could be entered
In the Lot No field, lot number of the order is entered.
Gross quantity is entered in the Gross Quantity field.
Net Quantity is entered in the Net Quantity field.
If there are any currency dependent operations held, then by clicking the selection button in the Currency field, currency selection could be made.
In the Currency Rate field, the selected currency's rate is entered.
In the Unit Price field, unit price that needs to be on the receipt is entered. If the related inventory's unit price is defined in the inventory card Unit Price is carried into this field automatically.
The VAT is entered in the VAT field.
VAT type is defined in the VAT field. (Included, excluded)
After all settings are made, changes are saved by pressing the F5 key or clicking the save button.

shipment Activity Lists of undispatched lots, inventory, color information and quantities of dispatched goods, could be generated from the shipment Module. Reports with shipment statistics per customer and the applied processes could be generated. Daily and cumulative shipment reports and shipment planning lists could be previewed.

By pressing the F10 key, shipment Form reports could be processed.


When pending lots button on shipment note detail is clicked, or pending lots section is selected by right-clicking the mous (Ctrl+F2) lots to be dispatched (pending lots) associated with the current accout are displayed.

Figure 5  Pending Lots List

Lots to be dispatched are either selected via the "Enter" key or by double-clicking them. (Color becomes Red Lot information is reflected on the shipment note when Transfer button is clicked. With the use of All button, all lot goods to be dispatched associated with the current account are selected. Thus, when Transfer button is clicked all lot information is reflected on the shipment note. As the last thing, net shipment quantity is set.

If in the ;  Net Control field on the shipment tab of SentezDye parameters, Warn field is selected, then it asks for confirmation when the user is about to leave a receipt, where there are rows with no net quantity info entered. If the the selection in the parameter is Do not Allow then it will not allow to leave the receipt, when the net quantity is not entered in the row.

If you right-click the mouse and select Manufacturing Complete - Last Process Control from the menu, then lots of the last process from Route are reflected on the list.
If you right-click the mouse and select Quality Control Approved (Ctrl+K) from the menu, then the list will only show the goods which are marked as Confirmed For Shipment in the quality control form.

You could shipment all rows of the lot after you make a selection in Lot Fabric (Accessories) Control section in shipment tab of SentezDye parameters.

MODIFICATION                                                                               Main Menu

Select shipment Entry in shipment module of SentezDye Finishing Follow-up Software.  
Bring inventory filter by pressing the F9 key or clicking the list button while the cursor is on the Receipt No field. Once an appropriate selection is made, select the associated shipment note from the inventory receipt list displayed on the screen. After the necessary changes are made on the shipment note, save changes by pressing the F5 key or clicking the save record button.


If inventory information will be deleted, move the cursor over to the inventory. Click the cancel button or press F6 key and confirm your operation by clicking yes to "Do you really want to delete?" question. Inventory information (receipt row) will be deleted. If the whole receipt will be deleted, the same precedure should be carried in one of the (Receipt no, Date, Current account, etc) fields.


Barcode entry to the associated record could be made by right-clicking the mouse and selecting barcode entry on the displayed menu or pressing the Ctrl+B keys. You could shipment goods by having the lot barcode on the Barcoded Goods Follow-up Card read via the barcode reader. Also, if the company uses Series (Roll) Follow-up, then you could have the series barcode read and process the shipment and prepare the Packing List .


Select Series (Roll) Activity (Ctrl+S) from the menu displays when the mouse is right-clicked, thus follow-up of Series (Roll) that belongs to inventory receipt rows is possible.

It is possible to reflect selected series from the Lot Series Information to inventory receipt by selecting Series (Roll) Transfer (Ctrl+A) option from the menu displayed when the mouse is right-clicked.


On the form, account statement could be generated for the associated Current Account or the Inventory. To do this, move the cursor over to the information a statement will be generated for. Click the statement button or press Shift+F4 keys and display the statement information belonging to the account. In the Example; The statement for Current Account No: M-009 is prepared.

Figure 6  Current Account Statement


If necessary a waste receipt associated with the receipt could be prepared.

Figure 7  Waste Receipt

You could complete this process by pressing the Ctrl+F keys or right-clicking the mouse button and selecting Prepare Waste Receipt. When the process is complete, a message displays informing a waste receipt is prepared.

SHIPMENT - SHIPPING ROUTE PROCESS DETAILS                           Main Menu

To see the details of Route process, press Ctrl+I keys or right-click the mouse and select shipment Route Process Detail from the menu that opens. By moving over the inventory list, route information for each inventory could be displayed in one table.

Figure 8  Processes to be Applied (Shipment)

Select Show Process Prices by right-clicking on this form, to display the process prices on this form.


Select Lot Shipment History to display the previous processes of the lot.

Figure 9 Lot - Shipment History Form

Enter the lot no in the Lot No field to preview its history.
According to the selection made in History Information, lot shipment information is brought from inventory receipt or allocation information.

In companies where Series (Roll) Activity is used, if Series Dispersion option is selected then Series (Roll) information (Packing List) belonging to the lot is displayed on the screen. By clicking the form button, Lot - Shipment History form could be generated.